Tag Archives: kind

We’re Back and Bigger Than Ever Before!

Welcome to the all new Glitter Generator - http://www.glittertextgraphics.com

As you might have noticed we’ve changed quite a bit on the blog and now we’re taking the makeover further!

We have (finally) added those sparkly new pages we said we would so check out our…



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So the pages aren’t exactly filled up yet but they will be soon, so if you have a touching quote or story, some motivation, inspiration, an urge to show off something nice you did for someone even though you didn’t have to, or someone did something for you that touched your heart, leave a comment to share it with the rest of the world. =]

And just so you don’t miss out on anything make sure you Bookmark us and check back because the next 10 days at Ebony Ink are going to be filled with changes and BRAND NEW STUFF!!

If you have any comments or suggestions for us, please leave us a comment and we’ll be sure to get back as soon as we possibly can (24 hours at the most, since we may be in different time zones =])

Till then… a bientot!