The Weirdest Thing Happened Today…

These arent my glasses but they look similar ;)
These aren’t my glasses but they look similar 😉

It was a normal boring day at school and me and Hafsa were hanging around with a bunch of friends. After the bell rang for fourth period, I realized I didn’t have my glasses, so me and Hafsa went back to our lockers and turned the place upside down looking for them. Now, the reason I probably lost them and got to class ten minutes late is that I never actually wear them (I don’t need them…they’re like 0.4…pssssh)!

But anyway, I go through my bag twice and my locker and Hafsa triple checks and we can not find them ANYWHERE. We even tracked back everywhere I’d been since I last remember holding my glasses (it  was like my childhood phase dream of wanting to be a detective coming true). Finally, Hafsa decides to check her locker just INCASE I’d left them there for some really strange reason… So  she reaches into her pocket for her keys and can you guess what she pulls out? Go on take a guess….

Yeah, she finds MY glasses in HER pocket.

The CRAZIEST thing? Neither of us know how they got there. I have no recollection of giving them to her or leaving them anywhere near her and she doesn’t remember putting them in her pocket. And besides why would she put them in her pocket instead of giving them to me if she found them somewhere? How weird is that??

And since it’s a mystery let’s put our imaginations out there and make completely ridiculous assumptions about how they may have got there… So, if you think you know, put your theory down in the comments.

My Theory:

Before I start let me just tell you, I don’t do sci-fi, but I’m trying, so it’s kinda… rough?


Yeah, that’s right. A portal and an alien abduction. Here’s what I assume happened:

1. We were abducted by an alien army and they knocked us out using some super complex alien formula of a sedative or something that they injected into us.
2. The aliens then did some tests and blah dee blah dee blah (you know… the usual thing)
3. Then they erased our memories (taking extra safety measures… I like it, I like it. It’s like Hafsa’s default thing… EXTRA (PRE)CAUTIONS!! Perhaps she’s related to aliens? Hmm… maybe I’ll put up a theory about that too, what do you think?) and  then they sent us back using a portal.
4. The portal then went through a complication involving communication difficulty some data was shuffled and manipulated. The aliens managed to retrieve the information and put it back together at super speed but my glasses were left in her pocket.
5. There. That’s it. The mystery is solved. Yeah?

Okay, I know how this sounds and you’re probably thinking ‘what a complete cracker’, and if we’re not on the same wavelength, you are free to share your own theory about this that may or may not be somewhat as rational as mine. 😀

ps I like this… being an idiot is so much FUN! Oh come on… don’t pretend you don’t do it too! And don’t pretend you can do it as well as I can… 😉

We will get to the bottom of this!! (with your help 🙂 )

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